Tag Archives: handmade

Vote for the April Design Challenge Winner!

Your teammates created pieces specifically for the Cinco de Mayo challenge. Now everyone who manages to find this blog post gets to vote for their favorite. The winner is featured on our blog front page for a month and gets to pick the next challenge. Without further ado…

[1] Sonora Sunrise, [2] Fiesta Flower Mug
[3] Aqua Fiesta Earrings, [4] Fiesta Peyote Bracelet
[5] Poppy Earrings, [6] Floral Chiffon Necklace,
[7] Fiesta Blok, [8] Fiesta Star Mixed Metal Pendant
[9] The Most Awesome Dress Ever, [10] Cinco de Mayo Tile

And the April Winner Is…

The votes have been cast, and we have a winner for our April New Mexy Etsy Team Treasury Challenge! Congratulations to SkyeTrinity for her great use of the featured item for a theme, and all of the fun colors in her treasury “Colors !?! of the Southwest”!

The winning treasury can be seen here: Colors !?! of the Southwest

As you guys all know by now, the winner of each treasury challenge gets to have one of their items selected as next month’s featured item. For May, we will be using the following item from SkyeTrinity’s shop

Click here for the link to the Etsy item page


To enter, make sure to include the name of your shop, and a link to you Etsy treasury in the comments section below. Click here to see all of the guidelines!  And as always, feel free to email us at newmexyetsy@gmail.com with any questions.

Happy treasure hunting!


DIY with Andrea: Hooked Organizer

Hello! How is everyone?

My weekend was wonderful. My birthday was wonderful! And I think I ate way too much. But I loved it!

Anyway, on to today’s DIY….

I had these hooks that I bought at Cost Plus World Market last year waiting to be used, so I combined them with some of of the reclaimed wood from my big “wood bin” to make this:

Super Duper Easy. Well, I am off. Have a great day!


DIY with Andrea: Bow-Tie Necklace

So last week I shared how I “fancyfied” 3 unloved shirts from my closet with appliques from PaviaPavia (Yes, I just wrote fancyfied. Consider it a new word.) and I mentioned that I had another DIY inspired by her shop coming this week. Here it is! The perfect necklace to spunk up that LBD (aka Little Black Dress. I sure did have to google that when I first heard it…)

So to start you need:

a felt applique (I got mine from PaviaPavia on Etsy.),
some felt to back it,
some jewelry chain,
a lobster clasp and o-rings (I bought the 7.5″ chain pictured because Hobby Lobby didn’t have any clasps/o-rings that matched my chain),
a hot glue gun,
sewing needle,
needle nose pliers,
and some scissors (although an exacto knife would be easier).

I decided where I wanted my chain to go, sandwiched it between the applique and felt, then hot glued it in place so it wouldn’t move. Cut around the applique (this is where an exacto would be easier, but I couldn’t find mine for the life of me.).

Figure out how low you want your necklace to hang, then remove the excess chain by opening the links with the needle nose pliers. Attach your lobster clasp and O-ring.

Now, you could be done there, if you glued the felt down well enough. But I chose to sew the edges, and the blanket stitch gave it a pretty finished look (and hid some of my awful trim job. Damn scissors.).

And there it is. A fun necklace that seriously only took about an hour. I actually finished it before I went to work one morning!

Now, I have something fancy to wear out for my BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Oh, and by the way, you should friend me on Facebook if you haven’t already. How can you say no? It’s almost my birthday!



DIY with Andrea: Bringing old shirts back to life

Hello everyone!

Ready for a DIY? I am.

So a few weeks ago, I was perusing Etsy, like you do, when I stumbled upon the most amazing shop. PaviaPavia sells all kinds of appliques, lace, trim and brooches and I HAD TO HAVE SOME! So I bought a couple appliques and waited anxiously for them to come.

This is what I did when they graced my mailbox a couple of days later…

(Right after I bleached my shirt, I saw this DIY Bleach Tie Dye on HonestlyWTF. It is worth a look… I might try it on a dress I have)

There you have it. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

And there is one more PaviaPavia inspired tutorial coming up next week…