Tag Archives: title

Optimize Tag and Titles

Do you remember that brainstorm we had last week? Now its time to dig it out and attempt to use it. I have created yet another worksheet for this activity, so feel free to print it out.

Now onward:

    1. Go to Google Keywords.
    2. From your worksheet select the one word that you feel most represents your shop. I first selected Ceramics and worked from there, with combinations of words from my worksheet.

We are looking for Competition less than 50% and the higher the search number the better.

  1. Write down everything you are learning from your keyword search. Here is mine:
  2. Now take note of your top 5 (or fewer) phrases. These are the phrases with the highest number of searches and lowest competition. Here are mine:
  • Contemporary Ceramics
  • Ceramics at Home

Next week, we will implement the aforementioned phrases.  Keep it crafty ❤ CNJ!